Brian Shrout Author

Brian Shrout

Seasoned content producer, graphic designer and entrepreneur priding on achieving everything possible by himself. With a passion for learning he's well informed about a lot.

Brian Shrout is the host of the Useless Wisdom podcast. Starting in 2020, with the pandemic numbers continually rising, and searching for something to preoccupy himself, Brian leaped to the idea of expunging his creative juices on something that didn’t require leaving the house. Not that he had much choice in the matter, seeing as though nothing was open, one thing I’m sure we all witnessed to a point.

Thus the podcast was born, and from it, further down the road, so was this website. Which bases and creates its content on real-life experience, knowledge, and generally information that isn’t easy to get without regard for your intent to buy. How info should be. 

Though Brian is aware of the lengthy, challenging, and strenuous road that lies ahead, he’s grateful for the capacity to help and advise where he can.

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